“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates

As humans, one of the most common issues we have is around time and not having enough of it to do the things we want – even those that are important to our health and wellbeing. Fortunately, we do manage to make time to eat and sleep, although not well! But if we can make time for that… why not actively strive to do something that we benefit from, like learning or upskilling? It doesn’t mean you have to take a course or get a degree, it could be as simple as following thought leaders or specialists in the field you are passionate about, maybe reading articles or watching YouTube videos to open your mind to possibilities and to improve your skillset.

Yip, we might not be as active as we were pre-Covid, but the benefit of this is that we have more time on our hands.

The good news is that we can actually turn time into currency by learning new skills and levelling-up our “side hustle”. Think about it, if we were to concentrate our energies in the direction of ourselves in the form of self-reformation, we could be best versions of ourselves in as little as 12 months. It’s not in your best interests to be a spectator to your life, don’t stand on the side-line when you could be playing the game.

In the past year, the world went into a state of reset.

People worldwide are asking hard questions about themselves; and what a gift – in disguise of course! To be sure, this does not mean that your existing ambitions, dreams and plans should be trashed, it means this is the time to re-assess your life, to do a pulse check to see if you are on track, after all, a flatline is not living.

You can begin by asking yourself questions like:

  1. What are am I passionate about?
  2. What am I good at?
  3. What, of those things, could I make money from?
  4. And is it something that the world needs?

So with this in mind, Side Step and ellesse have come together to give you some free game in a series about of self-empowerment and reformation called The Side Hustle.

Our objective is to give you information and guidance when taken in context, will help to amplify YOU, your start-up or personal brand. You can expect some real-life enrichment guidance, tricks and tips to help you become a creative polymath and a savant in your desired field of play.

To kick-start the series our first mentor is Khenen “Khenz” Ria John; motivational speaker, life coach and basically your “get your act together” specialist.

She’ll be taking you on a journey of self-actualization where having a concrete plan, with measurable actions to help you to achieve your goals all set to realistic time frames and most importantly, committed to paper. This will give you a chartered course to the destiny you desire. With Khenz on your side you’ll ease up on the task of thinking to that of doing. Having a game plan is what it’s all about, no more time wasting, it’s your time to shine, let’s go on a journey of self-discovery and enrichment so you can become your best #TheSideHustle