Ellesse Sounds of Summer with DJ E!

ellesse Sounds of Summer with DJ E!

ellesse Sounds of Summer with DJ E!

Get ready to kick off our latest ellesse Sounds of Summer edition with none other than Ethan Elijah, better known as the people's DJ—DJ E!

Ethan is best known for his R&B mixes and for bringing the house down with his musical abilities. His mixes are notorious for getting people on the dance floor; whether to throwdown or slow dance, he knows how to keep a crowd rocking.


Join us as we get to know a little about this disc jockey.


News Groove Corner - Getting to Know DJ E!


Q. Ethan, as one of SA's popular DJs, your music and sets often define the atmosphere of an event. How would you describe your approach to crafting the perfect playlist?


  • I get many people asking me how I prep my sets; the truth is, I don't. Whenever I'm booked to play, I feel the crowd's energy, which will determine what I should play.


Q. Your performances are often described as having an electrifying and infectious energy. Could you share some techniques that keep the crowd grooving all night?


  • I believe in always keeping my crowd in suspense; I always try to make them want more when I play, and reciprocating energy is a significant factor.


Q. Because ellesse enjoys blending style and music, how would you incorporate the two into your personal style and set?


  • Because of my age, I feel like I'm an old soul in a young man's body… I'm always playing much older music, shocking people as to "how does he know this?"


Q. What would you say has influenced you most as a DJ, and how does that affect your sound and style as a DJ?


  • My biggest influence would be feeding off the crowd; if it weren't for people who followed and supported me, I would've never known what would've worked for me.


Q. Summer is a playful and upbeat season, often inspiring joy, laughter and fun. How will your 'Sounds of Summer' tie into the season while capturing the essence of the ellesse brand?


  • The mix I've created can project my energy even though I'm not physically there, and that's always been the goal.